Community Health Services (CHS) delivers a network of programs, services and education to help the residents of South Dakota develop and maintain a more healthful lifestyle and achieve the highest quality of life. Community Health Services staff provide relationship-based nursing and nutrition services and coordinate other health related services. CHS works with communities, families and individuals to ensure the best possible health outcomes. Community Health Services is dedicated to providing the highest quality public health services to South Dakota’s diverse population.
2398 5th Ave., Suite 102
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
Belle Fourche, SD 57717
(605) 892-2523 Belle Fourche Office
(605) 456-2245 Newell Office
General Public Health
Community Health Services delivers general public health services such as community service referral, client service coordination, nutrition counseling, general office services and community assessments.
Perinatal Program
The Perinatal Program works with pregnant women to offer health advice and teaching regarding their pregnancy and newborn baby. Nurses assess pregnant women for certain risk factors and offer case management as needed. They promote good health during pregnancy by providing counseling, education, arranging for prenatal visits, and offering referral to other health and community resources. Nurses also make visits after the baby is born.
Community Health Services gives immunizations to prevent a variety of illnesses and disease. Immunizations for such diseases as measles, polio, mumps, rubella, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, varicella, hepatitis B, hepatitis A and bacterial meningitis are available to all eligible individuals. CHS gives influenza vaccinations during the flu season. CHS offices can provide information about the recommended adult, adolescent, and childhood immunizations.
All Women Count!
All Women Count!, the state’s breast and cervical cancer control program pays for mammograms, Pap smears, and other related exams for South Dakota women who meet age and income guidelines. All Women Count! serves women 40 – 46 year of age without insurance to pay for screening exams or women who have insurance but cannot pay the deductible or copayment for exams.